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A South African on Board

When your best friend visits from South Africa, our first priority is to float away with her! We hadn't seen our dear Philaine in almost two years since her husbands, and our best friend Stephen's passing. She landed on on June 12th and we left the marina at lunch time the next day.

It was the first time that she had seen Happy Wife in person or sailed along with us so this was exciting for us all. We had a fabulous time doing short trips around Tampa Bay so that she could just get out and enjoy being at one with ocean as we all love to do.

We had sailed with her and Stephen in the Caribbean in 2013 and lived on their catamaran with them and now we had the honor of doing the same. Every thing we did and saw was, and has been bitter sweet as the memories of our dear friend keep flooding back from their previous visits with us here in the States.

We spent 2 nights in St Petersburg, 2 nights in Gulfport, 2 at Fantasy Island and a couple anchored downtown at Davis Island. It was so amazing just to catch up over wonderful dinners, lazy sun downers and meals all over the place.

What a fun time we had, laughing crying, drinking too much wine and taking baths in the Boat Babe tub up on the helm. She will be with us for 6 weeks and we could not be more thrilled to have her with us.

Shaun, upon returning home from work each day now says...Honey"s I'm home! lol

Here's to many more adventures together on both land and sea!

Toes in the water...


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