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The sea is calling and we must go!

We returned from our last trip in August of 2020 not knowing that within a couple of weeks, we would be hit by an unexpected storm within our marina that would damage our hull Although it would not sink us, it would render us useless for months dealing with insurance and boat yards who were inundated with covid-escaping ocean goers!

And so it was today… April 16th, that we finally could free the ropes and set sail out into the big wide open. We left, fully stocked with food, fuel and water

Nothing makes us feel more free and alive than when we are at one with nature and “the other woman” in our lives

Au revoiur Tampa and hello St Pete only an hour away! We were desperate to just get going and would have to wait it out here until bad weather and a huge approaching storm front would be bringing us.

We anchored, after refueling at about midday and took the puppies to shore. We caught up with afternoon naps and some online work and a few loose business ends

While here, we used our time to make sure Happy Wife was up and running as smoothly as we needed her to be. “Be prepared” has to be your motto when you are out on the water and we made sure we had spare filters, impellers, oil etc etc….just in case. After being on on the hard and not operating her for a few months, there are sure to be kinks and as to be expected, there were.

We were actually in a perfect spot, anchored within the walls of the marina which offered us great protection and most of the storms over the following 3 days would miss us. We were able to go on walks, the dog park a few times, do some exercise and go for coffees and lunches etc in-between everything, so we were very grateful

Anxious to set sail early in the morning we got everything ready to go on Tuesday afternoon and took ourselves to a beautiful sunset dinner by dinghy at the Pier at Doc Fords

We left our anchorage just after a magnificent sunrise to send us on way South…next, a quick stop on the ball in Sarasota where we’d have lunch at O’leary’s next to the marina and spend the night. We woke early, potty break for the doggies and set off at 8am for Boca Grande/Cayo Costa



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