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Titusville to Key West


And so it was, as we woke in Titusville, that we decided to turn around and head back to our favorite anchorage at Tiger Key. We hired a car in Titusville and went to the beach with a picnic basket on Memorial day which Cali loved as much as we did.

We made one more stop to the North at New Smyrna for a night so Shaun could surf and were preparing to stay a few days but we saw that very bad weather was headed our way and we decided to travel on ahead of it. We left at 6am and literally dodged storms, down to the minute, getting there in time without being caught once. It was such a blessing and we moored safely back in Stuart ready to make the crossing through the locks again the next day, June 2nd

We crossed through the first 3 locks and Lake Okechobee and spent the night at the city marina in Moorehaven before anchoring in Ft Meyers for the night. It was a long 8 hour day with storms and rain for the last lock but it was all good. An early night for us all at this rocky, rolling anchorage in the Gulf

Headed south for Marco Island on the 4th where we refueled, filled our water tanks and pumped out. Also got food delivered for our time ahead in the islands and the Keys. Set sail after breakfast for Tiger Key but decided last minute to spend a night at Hog Key which we love too. As we went by, we saw that no-one was anchored or visiting. Its only about 45 minutes from Tiger Key.

By 11am we were anchored in our happy happy place. I had a lunch basket ready to go and we hit the beach as soon as our anchor hit the seabed lol That night I made a celebratory pink flamingle dinner which I love setting up and preparing

We stayed for the week and left for Tarpon Belly in the Keys on the 10th. The weather could not have been more perfect and seas more flat for the trip down, complete with dolphins for the ride! It was just beautiful out there and a perfect reminder for us as to why we love this lifestyle as much as we do!



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